Streetcar Advertising in America

The streetcar advertising era of almost 100 years ago was a pivotal period in American history

that would ultimately determine many of the consumer brands and products that we enjoy today.

Why Should Streetcar Advertising Be Relevant to YOU ...

You might be surprised to learn that many of the consumer brands and products we enjoy today exist because of streetcar advertising. The Industrial Revolution of the early 1900’s and a massive consumer audience riding over 50,000 streetcars in nearly 3,000 cities and towns in every state of the union provided a great opportunity for Barron Collier, a native of Memphis, Tennessee. He simply used streetcar advertising to bring these two forces together and created the largest streetcar advertising empire in the world. By age twenty-six, he was a millionaire and at one time had business offices in 70 cities with business interests in more than a thousand cities.

  • View over 150 restored color images featuring outstanding examples of early streetcar advertising in America

  • Discover the fundamentals of streetcar advertising and how many of these same principles still apply today in consumer advertising

  • Learn how one man built the world’s largest streetcar advertising empire, was a millionaire by age 26 and would ultimately own over 1.3 million acres of land in Florida

  • See why buying stocks in many of these consumer product companies makes good business sense based on historical results

Most of these advertising cards have remarkable color graphics; over 250 of them are included in this book for your viewing pleasure. While streetcar advertising is definitely not a major advertising medium today, the advertising community might be surprised to learn that the basic principles of consumer advertising have not changed that much in the last one hundred years. Investors might do well to review this book to see which companies are still producing these popular products and brands as they represent some of the most successful businesses in America today.

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Streetcar Advertising in America Hardback, ISBN 9781625450401, 160 pp, $39.95



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Streetcar Advertising in America